Sorry, 27-inch iMac lovers, but Apple isn’t going to release a 27-inch iMac with Apple silicon chips. We explain why and run down the upgrade options for those who need to move on.

Sorry, 27-inch iMac lovers, but Apple isn’t going to release a 27-inch iMac with Apple silicon chips. We explain why and run down the upgrade options for those who need to move on.
Spam filters work pretty well, but sometimes they incorrectly filter important mail into your junk folder. Here’s an easy way to find good messages (also known as “ham”) amidst the spam.
Artificial intelligence dominates the tech news these days, but it’s hard to separate the hype from the reality. Here’s a no-nonsense look at what tools like ChatGPT do well, what they do poorly, and how to make the best use of them.
When a team or family group needs to share 2FA codes, use an authentication app instead of SMS — or better yet, use a password manager that can both generate 2FA codes and share logins with a group.
Do you have a rat’s nest of random cables behind your Mac? Follow our quick tips to bring order to the mess, reduce the chance of accidents, and avoid de-graded data signals.
If you can show someone what’s on your Mac, you can show them your iPhone too! Here’s how.
You can take advantage of Apple’s Live Text feature in Photos to catalog books, boxes, or any other items with text names. Think of it as a lazy person’s ad hoc database.
A new feature in Pages, Keynote, and Numbers lets you select bits of text that aren’t next to each other so that you can, for example, format them or copy them all at once.
If you ever regret making a change too long ago to revert using Undo, try the versioning capabilities in many macOS apps that let you view, copy data from, and revert to previous versions of a document.
If you like how the Lock Screen’s Photo Shuffle wallpaper rotates through photos but would prefer that it worked from an album you specified, you’re in luck! That’s now possible in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.