Editing text on an iPhone or iPad will never be as easy as on a Mac, but with these tips, you can quickly position the insertion point and select words and paragraphs using your finger.

Editing text on an iPhone or iPad will never be as easy as on a Mac, but with these tips, you can quickly position the insertion point and select words and paragraphs using your finger.
It’s exciting to get a new iPhone, but take a few minutes to read our advice on what you need to do before — and after — transferring your data from your old iPhone.
If you connect your Mac to your UPS with a USB cable, you can use Energy Saver to shut your Mac down automatically in the event of a power failure… before the UPS battery runs out.
QR codes — those blocky squares you scan with your iPhone camera — are an easy way to open a Web page. Unfortunately, scammers also use them to trick people into visiting malicious websites, so read our tip about scanning these codes safely.
When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, you often must authenticate or agree to terms on a captive portal login page. Here’s the solution if that page doesn’t appear.
Night Shift changes the colors of the screen as the sun sets to reduce the amount of blue light hitting your eyes.
Sorry, 27-inch iMac lovers, but Apple isn’t going to release a 27-inch iMac with Apple silicon chips. We explain why and run down the upgrade options for those who need to move on.
Spam filters work pretty well, but sometimes they incorrectly filter important mail into your junk folder. Here’s an easy way to find good messages (also known as “ham”) amidst the spam.
Artificial intelligence dominates the tech news these days, but it’s hard to separate the hype from the reality. Here’s a no-nonsense look at what tools like ChatGPT do well, what they do poorly, and how to make the best use of them.