Set Your Apple Watch Clock Ahead a Few Minutes to Avoid Being Late

Those who tend to cut things tight have a time-honored tradition of setting their watches ahead by a few minutes. You can do this with your Apple Watch, too.

What to Do If Your iPhone Takes a Plunge

No one intends to drop their iPhone in a pool or fall off a boat with their iPhone in a pocket. But accidents happen. Happily, Apple has designed the iPhone with significant levels of splash and water resistance, so brief exposure to rain or even a quick dunk might not cause any problems.

Integrate Your Cloud Storage Service into the Finder

Many organizations have adopted cloud storage services like Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive for excellent reasons. If you’re not working with your cloud storage files directly in your Finder, here’s how to set that up.

Reveal Your Desktop Quickly with a Keyboard Shortcut

The Mac’s Desktop is a remarkably useful place. It’s a good spot for in-progress documents, screenshots, images dragged out of Web pages, and more. However, app windows tend to obscure the Desktop, making it harder to use. There are two quick ways you can temporarily hide windows, making it easy to access icons on the […]

Upgrade to macOS 13 Ventura When You’re Ready

Ventura has been quite stable! To upgrade, just open System Preferences > Software Update, click the Upgrade Now button, and follow the instructions.

LastPass Security Breach: Here’s What to Do

Password management company LastPass has announced that it suffered a security breach in which attackers stole both encrypted customer account data (which is bad) and customer vaults containing encrypted usernames and passwords (which is much, much worse). On the positive side, the data of users who abided by LastPass’s defaults and created master passwords of […]

macOS Permissions for Remote Support

To share your screen with me, you’ll need to grant two permissions to the app we’re going to use for screen sharing. This is done in System Preferences, in the Security & Privacy > Privacy settings. Usually, the app will prompt you about this, but it’s not always clear what you are being asked to […]

Follow These Steps before Bringing Your Mac in for Repair

Depending on what’s wrong with your Mac, you may not be able to perform all of these tasks. If that’s the case, complete as many as you can.

The Best Apple Gifts for 2022

If you want to make sure you have an Apple something for that special someone, we recommend buying it soon.

Security Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself

We’re increasingly hearing from organizations that need to establish that they have sufficient security policies in place, either to meet the requirements of a larger client or to qualify for cyber insurance that insures against breaches and similar losses. Details vary, and we’re happy to work with you on the specifics, but here are some of the kinds of questions you may be asked.