Category: Notes

On December 12 of last year, I spoke to the Main Line Mac Users Group (mlmug.org) about do-it-yourself troubleshooting for common OS X and iOS issues. The one-word summary: restart. If that doesn’t work, help yourself to the slides and see if there’s anything useful in there! The Slides: Troubleshooting OS X and iOS (pdf)
Seems like more and more lately I’ve been seeing symbols in the iPhone’s weather app that I can’t immediately interpret. Here’s a handy chart to help with that. (Click to enlarge!)
On Saturday I gave a talk at the Main Line Mac Users Group (MLMUG) meeting in Paoli, PA. The title was “Power User Tools and Tips” and I talked about some of my favorite apps which I suspect aren’t widely known. I also talked about some features of OS X that I find are overlooked or underused by […]
Look, I updated my site! I had a few goals: I wanted to flex my front-end web skills and get a feel for current practices. I wanted a responsive design that would look good on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. I wanted to move to a CMS, so I could make tweaks and edits from anywhere. […]